Levi is 6 months old...people can't believe that, they think he is older because he is big, not fat big, just long and filled out. I look at baby pictures when he was a new born, and he was so thin, not anymore!!!
His favorite mode of transportation right now is rolling around the house. We have to keep an eye on him because once he starts rolling, there is no telling where he will go.
One of our favorite things is church...Levi wants to sing and preach with everyone else. He is hardly ever quiet in church anymore. It is a good thing that the pastor loves him! He is also very fond of being outside...I think this summer will be interesting, trying to get him to come back inside.
He is getting very excited about his next big car trip, going to see Great Grandma Robertson, in West Virginia, with a stop in Cleveland to get Grandpa and Grandma Robertson. The last time we were at Grandpa and Grandma Robertson it snowed, and snowed and snowed. We had so much fun playing out side. Hopefully it won't snow this time...it better not, it will be Memorial weekend.