Thursday, September 08, 2005

Pre-Conference update

AHHHH crazy but very fun times here at RBC. Today our guest count rises to 25. The 1st day of Executive Leadership Team meetings has started and meetings are going well so far. I met Kevin from the UK today. He handles the finances for our offices in the UK region. He comes to us with many years of experience in inventory management as well as accounting and finance. I am excited to meet co-workers like Kevin whom I have only known as a name in an email. Each day at the office reminds me there are so many details to be cared for and at the same time we cannot handle them in our own strength. All of us, all around the world are dependent upon God everyday for the tasks He has given us to do. There is a great mission to fulfill and God has entrusted this task to us. May He alone give us the wisdom needed for this needful task!

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