Wednesday, June 30, 2004

God is good

I must share a story with you from yesterday. My parents are coming up to GR this weekend for the 4th of July. The apartment complex where Becca and I live also has guest suites so we figured my parents could crash there. I called yesterday and they are booked for the weekend. AHHH! I should have realised they would fill up soon because it is the holiday. So I started getting worried because I figured the situation would be the same at other area hotels.

I went and was talking to one of my co-workers to get some information and she asked why I needed it. Without even bating an eye she offered her mom's condo to my parent's for the weekend. Instantly a worry taken off my shoulders. I am so grateful for people whom the Lord has blessed and therefore are very willing to share with others.

God is good and tmsaisti...

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